The Make-up Crew professional make-up Artist is currently offering a discounted price for the following Make-up events and stlye :

Bridal Make-up (Pengantin Perempuan) ~ RM 250.00 - RM 450.00
Bridesmaids Make-up (Pengapit) ~ RM 150.00
Trial Make-up ~ RM 150.00
Touch-up Standby on Wedding~ RM 70.00
Second Look Make-up~ RM 100.00

Special Event Make-up ( Dinner, Prom, Theme Party etc.) RM 150.00 above.15% discount for more than five (5) people.

House Call Charges -RM 30.00 ++

Product used - M.A.C , Krayolan ,Estee Lauder

For further info and appointment , please call : Mizza ~ 012-6050129

All prices are negotioble subject to the brand of the make-up.We do also provide personal make-up lessons which now are offering at RM 160.00 per person for a basic theory and RM 250.00 per person with additional pratical guides.All teaching material and make-up will be provided by us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bukan lupe,tp tak ingat !!!

Hai...arini aku ade time free skit,so dpt la aku tulis cite aku ni..Sambil2 nk tdo kn..hehe..Tp still rase penat lg...Baru balik jalan2 kt MID VALLEY sampai lenguh kaki aku ha.
Arini kn 3hb Nov..Birthday hubby aku..aku bole lupe ko..bole ke gitu..
Gara2 shopping la,sampai aku bole lupe birthday die..
Tp pape pon aku ada beli something..perfume la...
Aku beli just untuk aku..da dpr free lg satu..rezeki la tu..last2 perfume free tu Aku wat present tuk die..hehe..bole ke gitu???ngeee...

Inilah rupe perfume yg aku beli tu..

Ini perfume aku punye !

Ini pulak perfume free gift tu,aku wat present tuk hubby aku..:D

Aku klo da pegi shopping mall tak sah klo x singgah m.a.c store..mesti punye la..da jadi satu kewajiban..lagi satu mmg aku nk beli brg pon..hehehe..

ni barang makeup yg aku beli tu..

1) Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation
2) Mineraliza Skinfinish Natural
3) Studio Finish Concealer
4) Satin Lipstick-Twig(org punye.hehe)
5) Amplified Lipstick-Chatterbox

moksu aku ngn ank aku wawa..

ank aku wawa,ken men lagi nek kete tuh..

ni aku la..:D

me n moksu

moksu n my kezen(jue)

Hmmm..tu jela kot..
ok la,sampai sini jela cite aku kali ni time aku cite lg..
aku nk tgk tv jap..hehe..bye..


  1. ermmm....ok gak lor...
    p nmpk sgt ko cm ska shpping...
    wait my turn ha....

  2. Mmg da jadi satu hobi org pompuan kan??
    ok,i tggu turn u lak ye..huhu..
