The Make-up Crew professional make-up Artist is currently offering a discounted price for the following Make-up events and stlye :

Bridal Make-up (Pengantin Perempuan) ~ RM 250.00 - RM 450.00
Bridesmaids Make-up (Pengapit) ~ RM 150.00
Trial Make-up ~ RM 150.00
Touch-up Standby on Wedding~ RM 70.00
Second Look Make-up~ RM 100.00

Special Event Make-up ( Dinner, Prom, Theme Party etc.) RM 150.00 above.15% discount for more than five (5) people.

House Call Charges -RM 30.00 ++

Product used - M.A.C , Krayolan ,Estee Lauder

For further info and appointment , please call : Mizza ~ 012-6050129

All prices are negotioble subject to the brand of the make-up.We do also provide personal make-up lessons which now are offering at RM 160.00 per person for a basic theory and RM 250.00 per person with additional pratical guides.All teaching material and make-up will be provided by us.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Make-up brush

Hai..kita jumpa lagi..

Hmmm..biasala,mule2 mmg rajin kn..Hari2 nk update...ko org tunggu la lagi 2-3 bulan,gerenti aku jarang update blog aku ni..ngeee...
Ni sambil2 aku tunggu cite Tower 13,sambil2 tangan aku menaip..
Hari ni aku nk cerita pasal collection make-up brush aku.
Aku ni bole di katakan giler beno bab2 make-up ni..Klo pegi mana2 shopping mall,tak sah klo tak singgah ke kedai yg jual brg2 make-up ni..mesti la !!

Ni la collection brush aku sekarang...

Macam2 ade ko..M.a.c semestinye la..
Yg berjaya aku kumpul setakat ni adelah dalam 11 batang..
Antaranya 187,188,168,109,225,224,217,239,212,228,318..
Ade lagi yg aku nk beli..hehe..dapat ke??Da kopak ni..
Brush dr Body Shop pon ade..
Ade yg takde brand..Macam yg aku bagitau tadi Macam2 ada...
Aku tak kisah.Mahal ke murah ke..janji elok dan puas hati..betol tak?

Yg ni la dah di susun dalam brush holder...
Brush holder tu pon baru je beli..hehehe..

Yg ni pulak hadiah dari kawan aku.
Sempena birthday aku bulan 7 aritu..
Da lepas da..huhu..
Aku akan simpan brush ni wat kenangan.. pulak brush aku baru beli online..
Baru je...minggu lepas kot..
Tengs to Cik Amy Gedikness kite tuh...ngeeee...

Nampaknye itu jela..kete nk cite pasal make-up brush..So aku cite pasal make-up brush time kite jumpe lagi..bye..

1 comment:

  1. warghh.. jelesnye melihat brush mac !! haha ..
    mahu mahu jugak !
